A dance hold is created by two living postures activating to communicate through communication centres. A communication centre is a transfer area for sending and receiving the activity and the flow from one person to the other. This activity refers to time value, listening/feeling/sensing, direction, characteristic form as well as Li power from Qi energy (see Expression of “I am” in Communication).
A communication centre is not a fixed a point. The main communication centre moves along a “circle” on the level of the front parts of the 8th ribs (illustrated by a blue ball in the picture above). There are two further communication centres located in the hands. It is important how they are placed to be able to transfer the information from the body with quality and effortlessness.
All action of information first goes through the golden proportion bone T5 of each person into rib 8 as well as the hands to give an impulse to the other person.
The three communication centres can only be alert to create impulses when the weight of T5 is connected with the platform of the standing leg ankle at all times. This creates a personal platform of harmony in balance, which is the foundation for transferring quality information through the whole body into the communication centres.
The body parts under the 8th rib can touch to sense and feel the statement of the communication that goes through the three communication centres.
So altogether, we live and feel our body actions to give the elastic energy of them through the communication centre to able to sense the reaction of the partner.